This is a blog with videos, What i think about them and some facts about SOME of them. There will also be pictures of warrior cats on this Blog. Enjoy this blog on Warriors. And i own Some art on this blog Except the videos. I may copy and paste some pictures from Google.
- Sakura

Saturday, December 18, 2010

CAT FIGHT book 1


Book #1

Characters & places 

Alley Cats

Pellet- A female adult orange tabby with green eyes
Shadow- A male adult Black mix with green eyes
Sparkle- A Female kitten Calico with amber eyes
Brownie- A male adult Havana brown cat with green eyes
Dawn- A Female kitten Calico with black eyes

Cats with homes

Princess- A Female adult white mix with icy blue eyes
Pussy- A male kitten Black mix with yellow- green eyes
Purry- A female Adult Maine coon with one green one blue eye

Shelter cats

Randy- A Male adult tuxedo cat with blue eyes
Missy- A Female adult white mix with dark green eyes
Cara- A Female Kitten American curl with blue eyes
Brooke- A female Kitten Cornish rex with icy blue eyes
Brooklyn- A Male adult Black mix with amber eyes
Piper- A female adult Calico with stunning green eyes


Farm: In the country far from the city
Park: A couple blocks away
Park forest: far in the end of the park
Shelter: 2 Streets away
Alley: Far from country, close to park and close to the Shelter
Hotel: 80 miles away
Desert: 90 miles away
Rain forest: about 100 miles away
Waterfall: 100 miles away

This takes place in the City

Chapter 1

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SHADOW WAS WALKNG down to the alley with a squirrel in his mouth. “Hey!! Pellet wake up!!” He yells.

Pellet hisses in fear then Shadow says “it’s me!”. " You frightened me!!" Hisses Pellet." What was all that yelling?" Asks Brownie. He walks over to them with his fur pricked. Then sparkle walks up to pellet and says

“Don’t listen to Shadow.”. Shadow hisses at her then says “Come on guys we have to get to the farm and steal some of the dog’s meat”. ‘but we can’t eat stea—" She was cut off by brownie. “well let’s go without Pellet if we have to” Says brownie. then all of a sudden they hear a tiny yawn. It was Dawn. “Good morning”

Mews Dawn. “It’s Afternoon silly” Meows Shadow. “But that means i missed Breakfast!! Oh no!”

“As Always” Laughs Shadow. " where you guys going to hunt or something?" Mews Dawn. “we where until you woke up.”Pellet walks off into the park. She yells to them “I’m going to get some food for us!!” .

“Ok” Mews Shadow. While the cats are in the alley Pellet sets off to the park. Then she finds a young mean cat that says " Who are you? What do you want from me?". Pellet yowls in fear as he inches closer and closer. Shadow hears her then runs quickly to the park’s forest. “I’m coming Pellet!!”

He mews.He finally gets there then leaps into the air to pounce on this brown and black cat then launches himself onto this cat’s back to defend Pellet. Then Pellet launches on his face then cuts his cheek then the two run away and back to the alley With no breath as the brown and black cat chases them to the alley. The black and brown cat snarls at his alley friends asking for a fight. Shadow snarls " Back off!!". “What did you say?” Snarls the brown and black cat. Then the mystery cat runs off. Then the day passed then it was night. " Goodnight Shadow" mews Pellet when everyone is asleep but not the two. " Goodnight Pellet." he answers back. they go to sleep in the boxes in the alley with old ripped blankets in them. Then Pellet wakes up. " Shadow!! Wake up!! I smell another cat!!" mews Pellet. " Wha— What?" Stutters Shadow. “Another cat!! We have to see who it is!”Mews Pellet. “Who are you and why are you in our alley?” snarls Shadow.“Calm down!!” Mews a familiar voice. Then the cat steps into the street light and they recognize her. “it’s me Missy.” “good.” mews Pellet. “for a second there i thought you where an unknown cat.” She says. " I escaped from the shelter and said to myself i should live in the alley." Mews Missy." Well it’s hard in the Alley." Warns Shadow.“if you want to live here it’s an uncomfortable and dirty, Not like you.” Mews Dawn.“Well i don’t care, I’m living with my friends.” Hisses Missy.“ok,” Mews Shadow,“if so go to bed in that box over there.” Mews Pellet. “ok.” Mews Missy then she walks over to the box and goes to sleep.

Chapter 2

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THINGS ARE HARD for Missy living in the alley. Getting food,Water and walking everywhere,But She also didn’t like the Shelter cages. She herd herself say that being free is better than being cooped up. She woke up to get some food but felt Blood oozing from her cracked paw. She yowled and yowled in the middle of the street, But nobody was in sight. She kept on saying in her mind “Will I be killed? Ran over? someone Help!!” She didn’t know what to do. She kept yowling, in hope somebody would help her. Pellet herd her and dashed into the street to save her, Then a car was coming so she sprang into the air and grabbed Missy and they ran across two streets to get to the alley. She was safe.

“Are you ok?” Mews Pellet

“I think so.” Mews Missy hoping she didn’t sound hurt. She hurried back to her box.

Pellet goes to patrol at the park for any of her friends getting attacked.While Shadow has a conversation.

“Can we get some food already?” Mews Missy

“No.We have to patrol then go hunting.” Mews Shadow

" OK. but i really want food and water!!" She mews

“be quiet!!” he snarls.

They grab some food and leave,

they walk back to the alley.He goes to his box for a little nap.The next day he goes over to see the kittens in their box to wake up dawn nice and early.

She taps sparkle to wake up too.That day Shadow asks every cat to gather up.He says “Ok.so we need go on a big journey because of a dream last night.

There was a beautiful cat,I couldn’t see where she was, but it looked like she

was on a mountain.She had emeralds on her head,tail and whiskers,and it sounded as if she was calling for help.”then Dawn says"do we Have to go?" Shadow nods his head.so the next day,they took really big leafs and tied them to sticks and went back to the alley to pack food, blankets and a new clean bag filled with water.Since Missy was there she acted like she was Sparkle's and Dawn's mother,so she let them on to her back, put blankets on them and started to walk with her stick carrier in her mouth.

Chapter 3

They needed to rest so they walked into a dark place, it was night. They couldn't see anything, but then they heard a snarl, angry yellow eyes inching closer. They stopped to taste the air. "It's a fox!!" yowls Blackie. They all start to run. The orange-red shape starts to run after them, "Hurry Missy!!" screams Pellet."I can't go any faster!" yowls Missy, Leaving a trail of little splatters of blood. She stops and starts to catch up. they finally reach a little forest with moss for Missy and the kittens to lay on. They stay there
until morning. Then they all go out hunting except Missy and the kittens. When the cats come back they
pack half of the food and eat half of it. "We have a big journey ahead of us." meows Pellet. "You need the strength so that you can carry the kittens." Pellet nudges a rabbit towards Missy. "thanks." she mews.

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