This is a blog with videos, What i think about them and some facts about SOME of them. There will also be pictures of warrior cats on this Blog. Enjoy this blog on Warriors. And i own Some art on this blog Except the videos. I may copy and paste some pictures from Google.
- Sakura

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Crowpaw first appears when he was chosen by Deadfoot of StarClan to be the WindClan cat to journey to speak with Midnight, a star-gazing badger, in the prologue. The other chosen cats were Brambleclaw of ThunderClan, Tawnypelt of ShadowClan, and Feathertail of RiverClan.
He is then seen chasing a vole across the ThunderClan border, and is caught by a patrol consisting of BrambleclawDustpelt, and Squirrelpaw. Crowpaw gets angry when Brambleclaw accuses them of stealing prey, and he attacks Brambleclaw, but is stopped by Onewhisker. His mentor, Mudclaw, said nothing, but scowled.
Crowpaw was rude toward Squirrelpaw when he met the questing cats at Fourtrees. Crowpaw almost hurled himself at her, but Brambleclaw stopped him. He was the first to leave, thinking that StarClan was not going to come. When the questing cats found out where they should go, Stormfur and Feathertail were going to persuade Crowpaw to go with them. When Stormfur and Brambleclaw go to convince Crowpaw, Crowpaw is aggravated about it at first, but eventually agrees to go. It was mentioned that he first met Barley and Ravenpaw on his apprentice journey to Highstones as the traveling cats venture to their barn.
In a Twolegplace, he was cornered by a pair of enormous kittypets along with Stormfur. He argues with Stormfur and Brambleclaw when Squirrelpaw is caught in a Twoleg fence, but Tawnypelt and Feathertail ignore their bickering and free her with dock leaves.
Crowpaw is quite a snappish cat and has a barbed tongue, most notably when the questing cats are followingPurdy through a Twolegplace. He constantly argues with the loner over whether he knew where he was going or not. Crowpaw is quick to argue and does not take kindly to following orders from Brambleclaw. Only Feathertail is able to calm him down. Crowpaw is the last chosen cat to receive his saltwater sign, at a pool where the traveling cats went to fish. He does not truly show compassion towards Brambleclaw even when he almost drowns, and at first he does not trust Midnight. He is bewildered at Midnight's grave news about the Twolegs destroying the forest to build a new Thunderpath.
Crowpaw wakes up when Squirrelpaw asks where the prey is near Midnight's den, and he tells her to be quiet and maybe they would find out. He shows slight affection towards Feathertail in this book, and
Feathertail herself shows admiration for the apprentice aswell.
When the traveling cats leave Midnight's den, Crowpaw senses a rabbit and darts after it. The rabbit was almost the size of Crowpaw, and Brambleclaw apologizes to Crowpaw for yelling at him to come back. When they reached the camping place, Crowpaw was seen sharing a squirrel with Feathertail. When foxes attack the cats, Crowpaw shields Feathertail from them, and he tells Midnight that they would tear the foxes' fur off. Crowpaw's lack of trust towards Midnight is clear when he openly questions her knowledge, making Midnight furious at first. When Brambleclaw and Midnight were discussing which way to go, Crowpaw refuses to go back to Twolegplace and that he would rather go through the mountains, which is the path the journeying cats end up taking.
During the journey through the mountains, Crowpaw seems to keep his hostility towards the other cats, but is in love with Feathertail . When Feathertail slips into a stream, Crowpaw saves her, and appears angry at her carelessness. When the cats meet the Tribe of Rushing Water, Crowpaw is not very suspicious at first, until Squirrelpaw points out that cave-guards may be on guard to make sure they don't leave. He becomes hostile toward Stormfur as he spends more and more time with the Tribe, even questioning his loyalty to the Clans. Crowpaw attacks the cave-guards numerous times when they take Stormfur prisoner, his reason being that he would rather die fighting than be trapped. After the cats leave, intending to rescue Stormfur that night, Crowpaw asks Feathertail if she will continue seeing him "i want to be loyal to my clan...but theres never been another cat like you Feathertail," , and Feathertail agrees eagerly stating she felt her insides tingle with excitement and her feelings for Crowpaw. At the fight with Sharptooth, Crowpaw is cornered. Crowpaw may have blamed himself for Feathertail's death because she rescued him from Sharptooth by dislodging a stalactite on the ceiling and died in the fall. Crowpaw rushed over to save her, but it was too late. Its mentioned he can barley get the words out "Feathertail dont leave me." She prmoises not to than closes her eyes and does not speak again. Crowpaw lets his head hang back in a wail for her. The two cats shared a very emotional good-bye and Feathertail dies. When she was buried, Crowpaw and Feathertail's brother Stormfur mourn together; even though they had not liked each other much, and the two cats were able to come to understand each other a little more.
Crowpaw shows unusual compassion when he departs from the questing cats to return to his Clan, as observed by Squirrelpaw. He also shows up at the meeting of the leaders for Midnight's sign at Fourtrees, having persuaded Tallstar to come. He growls about his disbelief and horror of the suffering his Clan had been but through by Twolegs.
Later, WindClan begged ThunderClan for shelter after the Twolegs begin destroying their camp. When Squirrelpaw talks to Crowpaw, Tornear was said to have a hint of pride in his voice when he talked of Crowpaw feeding almost all the Clan.
When all the Clans go to help ShadowClan when they are attacked by a Twoleg monster, Crowpaw recklessly runs out on a Thunderpath. Squirrelpaw tackles him and she and Brambleclaw ask him what he is doing. Crowpaw responds, "I'm not afraid of joining StarClan! At least there... Feathertail will be waiting for me!"Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw calm him down.
On their journey with the Clans to their new home, Tallstar is about to make Crowpaw a warrior. But before Tallstar could perform the ceremony, Crowpaw asks if he could choose the name of Crowfeather in honor of Feathertail, and Tallstar easily agrees. The newly-named Crowfeather takes his vigil next to Feathertail's grave in the Tribe of Rushing Water's camp, a mountain cave. Leafpaw believes that when he was sitting vigil that two ghostly silver cats stood on a nearby mountain peak, watching over Crowfeather. Seeing them as almost identical, she believes that they were the starry spirits of Feathertail and Silverstream in StarClan.
During the journey, he shows slight signs of affection for Leafpaw.

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