This is a blog with videos, What i think about them and some facts about SOME of them. There will also be pictures of warrior cats on this Blog. Enjoy this blog on Warriors. And i own Some art on this blog Except the videos. I may copy and paste some pictures from Google.
- Sakura

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Spottedkit is born to Swiftbreeze and Adderfang in their second litter, along with her brother, Redkit and sister, Willowkit. She is also the younger sister of Patchpelt and Leopardfoot, who are from an earlier litter.
Once, when the cats are leaving on a hunting patrol, Spottedpaw comes late, telling them that she was helping Featherwhisker make a poultice. Thrushpelt tells her to stop fussing with herbs and to hunt. She later becomes a medicine cat apprentice.
Spottedpaw was also present at Bluefur's kitting, helping Featherwhisker and doing what he told her to.
At some point in the novel, Spottedpaw recieves her full medicine cat name, Spottedleaf.
Later, Featherwhisker dies of greencough, and Spottedleaf takes over as the ThunderClan medicine cat.
When the present ThunderClan is seen, Spottedleaf is shown tired because of all the sick cats she has been treating. Later, she receives the "Fire will save the Clan" prophecy and tells Bluestar to watch the kittypet with the flame colored pelt.

Spottedleaf appears in a dream, giving Firestar some information about SkyClan, telling him they did exist. Near the middle of the book, she appeared to both Sandstorm and Firestar to give them burdock roots and showing them she approved of their love, but right before leaving, she whispers to Firestar, "Sometimes, I would give anything for things could have been different," as though wishing that she had not been a medicine cat, but instead, had been Firestar's mate. She then appeared near the end of the book, and gave Leafstarone of her nine lives saying that it was "for healing wounds caused by words and rivalry. Use it well for all those cats who are troubled in spirit." Soon after, it was revealed that she was related to CloudstarBirdflight, and Tigerstar. In the epilogue, it was said that Firestar and Sandstorm's kit, Leafkit, was named after Leafstar, and possibly after Spottedleaf, herself.

Spottedleaf appears giving advice to Leafstar, and Leafstar wonders why she cares so much about SkyClan, since she was a ThunderClan medicine cat. Also, when Spottedleaf mentions that Firestar and Sandstorm had kits, It is then noted by Leafstar that Spottedleaf looks unhappy about the new kits, suggesting she wanted to have kits with Firestar and was jealous of Sandstorm.
In the prologue, Spottedleaf, the ThunderClan medicine cat, is seen talking with Bluestar. She reports to the leader that all the cats in the battle at Sunningrocks will recover. Spottedleaf tries to reassure Bluestar when she worries that ThunderClan is in difficult times. Bluestar asks Spottedleaf if StarClan has spoken to her, and after she tells her no, a shooting star blazes overhead. Spottedleaf tells Bluestar she just recieved a message: "Fire alone can save our Clan." Bluestar is confused, but trusts Spottedleaf.
After Mousefur is hurt after the battle, Spottedleaf tends to her wounds.
The first time Firepaw sees her, she is tending to the wounded Ravenpaw. She has great courage, teasing Ravenpaw's mentor, Tigerclaw, and telling him his apprentice will be in the medicine cat's den for a while.
Spottedleaf helps Firepaw a lot with Yellowfang, and starts to show affection for him, while he shows affection back.
Spottedleaf later tells Firepaw of her prophecy. He does not understand but she tells him to go and refuses to answer his questions.
Spottedleaf later tried to stop Clawface from taking Frostfur's kits, but was murdered, trying to stop him from leaving the ThunderClan camp. Yellowfang was thought to have killed Spottedleaf because Yellowfang left the camp soon after Spottedleaf was killed Firepaw was devastated, realizing that he loved Spottedleaf. Before he goes to find Yellowfang, he buries his nose in her fur for the last time, whispering goodbye. The Clan is devestated by the loss of their medicine cat and wants to find Yellowfang. Tigerclaw, however blames it on Ravenpaw, his apprentice. Firepaw attempts to attack Clawface in the battle for murdering her but Whitestorm tells him that ThunderClan cats do not kill unless it is needed and sends Clawface away yowling for help.
Later, Yellowfang is appointed as the new medicine cat of ThunderClan and the Clan finds Clawface's brown fur in Spottedleaf's claws.

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