This is a blog with videos, What i think about them and some facts about SOME of them. There will also be pictures of warrior cats on this Blog. Enjoy this blog on Warriors. And i own Some art on this blog Except the videos. I may copy and paste some pictures from Google.
- Sakura

Saturday, November 13, 2010


(photo credit: Dark Aqua Star on Deviant Art)
Scrourge is mistakenly called Blood, but it is mentioned that he killed Tigerstar. In "Barley Speaks: Flight from BloodClan", Barley's sister Violet is taken to him because she and Barley had been disobeying his laws by hiding out and living together. Scourge thought there was no better punishment then for Barley to watch his sister die right before his eyes. He ordered Violet's other two brothers, Snake and Ice, to attack her. They did, leaving her brutally wounded, but only hanging on to life by a thread. 
Rock tells the three kits all about Scrourge, Bone, and BloodClan. He explains how BloodClan was just a group of stray cats in Twolegplace who had no code or honor to bind them. Scourge had no sense of right or wrong, which let him kill or hurt other cats without a second thought. However, his greatest weakness was his lack of belief in StarClan, which left him with only one life to lose, letting Firestar kill him

Scourge is the leader of BloodClan, the Clan that lived in a nearby Twolegplace. Though he is very small, this cat leads his Clan with an iron claw and kills anyone who stands against him, and unlike many other cats, has no problem killing many cats. It is also said he calls it a "sport."
Although he is a leader, Scrourge does not believe in StarClan, which is his greatest weakness, since he only has one life. Two moons before the dogs attacked the ThunderClan camp, Tigerstar and Boulder, a former BloodClan member, travel through Twolegplace. Scourge and his Clan are invited to the forest by Tigerstar, who wants their help to force ThunderClan and WindClan to join TigerClan.
Two moons later, Tigerstar leads BloodClan into the forest and introduces them to the forest cats. However, Tigerstar then attempts to command BloodClan into fighting. After Scrourge tells him that he and he alone commands BloodClan, Tigerstar attacks him, yelling the word "Traitor!" Scrourge then slashes Tigerstar's shoulder. Tigerstar falls onto his side and Scrourge stabs him with his claws, that are reinforced with dog teeth, into Tigerstar's neck. Then Scrourge uses these claws to slice Tigerstar open from chin to tail. This wound is so gruesome, even StarClan could not heal it, killing him nine times over. Scrourge then decides that the forest will be BloodClan's new home.
He informs Firestar that the Clans have three days to decide whether they will come quietly and leave the forest, or if they will meet BloodClan in battle on the fourth day. Firestar decides to refuse, and convinces all four forest Clans to combine into LionClan. BloodClan and LionClan later meet in battle at Fourtrees. Scrourge battles with Firestar, his half-brother, taking his first life.
Scrourge is surprised when Firestar revives, and Firestar fights him again, saving Cloudtail from death. Firestar defeats him when he realizes that Scrourge has only one life, since Scrourge does not believe in StarClan. With the fall of their leader Scrourge, and deputy Bone, BloodClan admits defeat and retreats. Just to make sure they had left for good, WindClan warriors chased them out towards the Thunderpath.



Scrourge is born a kittypet, and the runt of his litter, given the name "Tiny". His brother and sister dislike him because of his small size, and they normally do not let him join them in their games. To prove to his family that he is strong, he ventures into the forest. In the forest, he has many small "adventures" which includes pouncing on a leaf and pawing at a beetle. He then returns home, only to find that his family doesn't believe he went into the forest at all. Later a group of Twolegs come to look at the litter for adoption. They only adopt Ruby and Socks; Ruby then tells him that he will be thrown in the river because he is unwanted.
Tiny becomes very scared and runs away into ThunderClan territory, and meets into a patrol made up of BluefurThistleclaw, and Tigerpaw. Bluefur attempts to defend him, and saying he could do no harm. But Thistleclaw said she was only being soft, and that he needed to be taught a lesson. He orders his apprentice, Tigerpaw, to attack. Tigerpaw almost killed him before he was stopped by Bluefur. As Tiny runs off, Tigerpaw declares that Tiny would never forget him.
He decides to go home at first, but he then remembers that if he does go home he will be thrown into the river. Tiny decides he must run away and never come back. He ends up in Twolegplace where he meets mean and rude rogues. He eventually finds a kind old she-cat who shares her food with him and explains that his collar marks that he is a kittypet. He tries to remove it, but is laughed at. Later, he finds an old dog who drops a tooth, and he tries to break his collar with it, only to get it stuck in the collar. When other rogues ask him about it, he bluffs he killed the dog, and took the tooth as a trophy. After the story spreads, Bone and Brick ask him to defeat a dog that is keeping them and many other rogues from food. He goes to fight the dog, but ends up scaring the dog with his shadow. One cat asks his name, and not wanting to admit that it was "Tiny", he chooses a more frightening name, "Scrourge".
Cats begin coming to Scrourge with their problems after Brick and Bone spread the word about the new cat in charge. One morning, Brick and Bone wake him up to tell him about a group of rogues who are causing trouble in the territory. While he is walking to confront the cats, he picks up forest scent and thinks it might be Tigerpaw, but it turns out to be Brokenstar. Scourge told them to leave, but they mock him for his size. Scourge hesitates and his own cats start to doubt him. Scourge decides that all cats must respect him, so he then slashes one of the rogue's throat with his claws, killing him. Cats soon begin to bring him tributes and his position as leader is secured once again.
After a while, Socks and Ruby come to Scrourge, telling him that they were abandoned by their Twolegs. They ask for Scourge to take them in, but Scrourge refuses. He lets them eat, then sends them away.
After much time passes, Boulder and Tigerpaw (now Tigerstar) come to him to ask for help. He recognizes Tigerstar from when he was just an apprentice from ThunderClan. Scourge agrees and goes to the forest with Tigerstar. In The Darkest Hour, this scene is when Firestar reveals Tigerstar's treachery to Scourge. Tigerstar becomes outraged and leaps at Scourge with his claws. He dodges to the side and rakes his claws down Tigerstar's belly, ripping away his nine lives and killing him, saying he finally got his revenge. (Source: Warriors Wiki)

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